SAA2016 plenary round table Session organiser: Jonathan Hope, Strathclyde University UK Objectives of the session The release of EEBO-TCP phase 1 on 1st January 2015 was a beginning, not an end. This round table will consider the work to be done to, and with, EEBO-TCP: curation, […]
Author Archives: Jonathan Hope
‘the size of it all carries us along’ – a new kind of literary history?
HCAS SYMPOSIUM: BIG DATA APPROACHES TO INTELLECTUAL AND LINGUISTIC HISTORY 1–2 DECEMBER 2014 Helsinki references and links for a presentation by Jonathan Hope pdf of slides Hope Helsinki 2014 title ‘the size of it all carries us along’ This Heat, ‘A New Kind of Water’, from Deceit (1981, Rough Trade) part […]
Digital approaches to the language of Shakespearean Tragedy
This post supplies data and further diagrams for Digital approaches to Shakespearean tragedy to be published in the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Tragedy, edited by Michael Neill and David Schalkwyk. You can download our main spreadsheet as an Excel file, with details of all plays included in the study, and frequencies for Docuscope LATs: Tragedy Data And here […]
Quantification and the language of later Shakespeare
The written version of a paper we gave in Paris last year (2013) has just been published by the Société française Shakespeare. Here is the paper (which is in English), and here are the citation details: Pour citer cet article Référence papier Jonathan Hope et Michael Witmore, « Quantification and the language of later Shakespeare », Actes des congrès de la […]
Hamlet in five words
Farah Karim-Cooper asked us to write something for the Globe to Globe Hamlet site. Here it is.