Category Archives: Visualizing English Print (VEP)

Visualizing English Print, 1530-1800, Genre Contents of the Corpus

Some features of the corpus, visualized here over time. Many of the linguistic and topical trends that we find in this data set will express the state of the corpus at a given moment in time. I have divided up the time series into groups containing three decades apiece. The visualization above displays the relative […]

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Visualizing English Print, 1530 -1800: The Corpus, Tag Sets, and Topics

Here begins a series of posts on a larger dataset we have been studying at Wisconsin under the auspices of “Visualizing English Print, 1530-1800,” a Mellon funded research project that brings together computer scientists and literary scholars from several institutions — UW, Madison, Strathclyde University (U.K.), and the Folger Shakespeare Library. A profile of the […]

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