The Plunge

I have created Wine Dark Sea as a point of interchange for collaborative work I am doing on the relationship between statistics, texts and history, as well as the images that might communicate this relationship.  Since much of this activity has been experimental — I produce images, graphs, and data — I thought I needed a place where I could present this material.  Currently I am researching the statistical profile of Shakespeare’s genres with my colleague Jonathan Hope (Strathclyde University, Glasgow) and have begun another on the nature of English prose genres in the Early English Books Online corpus with Eric Raimy (U.W. Madison) and Suguru Ishizaki (Carnegie Mellon).  I am also collaborating with Matt Jockers and Franco Moretti at Stanford on a computational and historical study of genre change in the nineteenth century novel.  Some of this work is conducted through the Working Group for Digital Inquiry, which is housed in the Memorial Library at the University of Wisconsin, where I teach Renaissance Studies.  In the next few months I will be offering several images produced in the course of my collaborations with some ideas about what they mean.

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