This post supplies data and further diagrams for Digital approaches to Shakespearean tragedy to be published in the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Tragedy, edited by Michael Neill and David Schalkwyk.
You can download our main spreadsheet as an Excel file, with details of all plays included in the study, and frequencies for Docuscope LATs:
And here are distribution box plots for some of the features we discuss in the paper. Each box plot gives the distribution of one LAT in the entire corpus of printed drama (554 plays). Frequency values are along the horizontal axis, with number of plays corresponding to each frequency score plotted on the vertical axis. The shaded areas indicate where tragedies are placed within the overall corpus. The whisker plot above the bar chart shows outliers (black dots for tragedies, grey for other plays). Note how the distributions for these LATs in tragedies are shifted to the right, indicating an increase in frequency (and note the tendency for outliers to be tragedies).