Category Archives: Quant Theory

What did Stanley Fish count, and when did he start counting it?

We have been observing the reaction to Stanley Fish’s critique of the Digital Humanities with great interest. Here is the full text of our comment, which could only be partially displayed on the New York Times comment window. You know you’ve come up in the world if you’re being needled by Stanley Fish in The […]

Posted in Quant Theory | Tagged , | 3 Responses

Finding the Sherlock in Shakespeare: some ideas about prose genre and linguistic uniqueness

An unexpected point of linguistic similarity between plot-driven mystery fiction and Shakespeare plays lead to a consideration of textual similarities that remain invisible in the normal process of reading.

Also posted in Counting Other Things, Shakespeare | 3 Responses

The Ancestral Text

In this post I want to understand the consequences of “massive addressability” for “philosophies of access”–philosophies which assert that all beings exist only as correlates of our own consciousness. The term “philosophy of access” is used by members of the Speculative Realist school: it seems to have been coined largely as a means of rejecting everything […]

Posted in Quant Theory | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Responses

Text: A Massively Addressable Object

At the Working Group for Digital Inquiry at Wisconsin, we’ve just begun our first experiment with a new order of magnitude of texts. Hope and I started working with 36 items about 6 years ago when we began to study Shakespeare’s First Folio plays. Last year we expanded to 320 items with the help of […]

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