In the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, humans and aliens communicate through lights, sounds, and gestures, creating a shared language in the process. The interaction scene, which is the climax of the film, is not about words as much as it is about focus and connection—a kind of conversation where meaning emerges through […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
A Map of Early English Print
Michael Witmore & Jonathan Hope [caption: PCA biplot of 61,315 texts from the TCP corpus, rated on features counted by Docuscope version 3.21 in an implementation created by the Mellon funded “Visualizing Early Print” project at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Axis and quadrant labels shown here, along with the experiment that led to the […]
The Great Work Begins: EEBO-TCP in the wild
SAA2016 plenary round table Session organiser: Jonathan Hope, Strathclyde University UK Objectives of the session The release of EEBO-TCP phase 1 on 1st January 2015 was a beginning, not an end. This round table will consider the work to be done to, and with, EEBO-TCP: curation, […]
Visualizing the Big Names of Early Modern Science
Visualizing English Print is currently working with a new corpus of Big Name scientific texts. The corpus contains 329 texts by 100 authors, drawn from EEBO-TCP and covering the period 1530-1724. These Big Name authors were selected on the basis of their prominence as early modern writers who address scientific subjects. The process of selecting […]
Data and Metadata
(Post by Jonathan Hope and Beth Ralston; data preparation by Beth Ralston.) It is all about the metadata. That and text processing. Currently (July 2015) Visualising English Print (Strathclyde branch) is focussed on producing a hand-curated list of all ‘drama’ texts up to 1700, along with checked, clean metadata. Meanwhile VEP (Wisconsin branch) works on […]